Camp Wear:
channeling Tut-On-Ra-Coon |
Annie, Emily, Beri, and I, Elonifer, your humble scribe, have been
working diligently to decipher the secrets of the tomb of Prince
Tuton-ra-coon, son of King Tu-ton-myhorn, and the location of his
lost family jewels.
We're getting close folks!
To optimize your experience this year with Opera Camp, as a newbie
or a veteran operatic, (and to have everyone "ooooh" and
"aaaaaah" your attire everywhere you go) you may wish
to bring:
1 square yard of medium to heavy cloth with fat striping or mandala
prefered. Color is choice of role for performance and any color
for other headresses you wish to make.
Option: bring a sheet to cut.

of headdress and jewelled necklace |
buy 2-6 yards of fabric.... or
My bargain barn choice is to get shawls or scarves for headressess,
and sheets with fat stripes or cool looking patterns or color.
1 sheet to cut up for headdress and clothing
1 sheer sheet, gauzy or lace for performance and erotic wear
1 sheet to keep whole for a cloak... sheer or heavy or
your choice.
excellent choice is long colorful, sparkly scarves. They can be
found among other places at the Ashby flea market in Berkeley.
I will bring cord for belts, but if others want to bring a thin
shash or cording with tassels for "glamour" then that
would add to their experience.
Seal of the Spiral Eye to be provided after each initiate serves
minimum of one hour in the jewel mines of Amon-Re!

Jewel Mines of Amon-Re, waiting to be turned into necklaces.
Stop by Annie's pre-playa or plan to work a bit on this in
Opera Camp
jewels..... (yum)
some cloth and costumes...
(bring what colors you most feel like, and animal, or element, and
white/black/gold/or blue.... depending on role chosen.
REALLY.... it'll be fun!
For Sect garb:
Colors of the four elements and directions:
EAST: Air ... Quetzacoatle, the feathered serpent, the winds
that bring the message of and white, and black and white
, the colors of dawn and spring. Clarity, new beginnings, the dawn
tomorrow. !!Caution!! Feathers on serpent masks only!! or not at
all, and glued like yo mama told you!
Fire... Bast.... cat goddess-- reds and yellows, play and vibrant
energy... the heat of passion and youth and endurance, and they
WEST: Water.... Anubis.... jackal god of the Underworld, protector
of the Pharoahs, and weigher of souls with a feather of truth.
Earth.... Hathor... Cattle goddess of Joy, Pleasure and fertility,
she gives sustenance to all.... the spots on her body represent
the "stars" of the souls of the dead.
"Servents of the Sacred Serpent"- Element of Air, creator
myth and harbinger of the East, bringer of tomorrow, bearer of judgement
and light. First echo of the knowing of the Maya.
"Order of Bastet"- cat Goddess of playful joy, sensuousness
with claws....rowrr-r-rrrr!
Whose twin Sakhmet- the lion headed Goddess who's fury threatened
to destroy the world in fire from the South.
"Order of Anubis"- The jackal headed God of darkness who
guards the dead along the path into the beyond of the waters of
West Nile.
"Followers of Hathor"- She who is the goddess of sensuous
fertility and pleasure... who brings the stars down from heaven
and whose spots represent the souls of the dead.
the Eye of the Falcon be upon you!
"unto the end of time"
Nut: She who is the great Grandmother of all... whose body is the
cosmos, is the heavens, and her temple is the stars. She who welcomes
Amon-Re into her womb each night and surrenders him to the Celestial
Falcon.... who returns him each dawn on the East winds of change
as Atum the solar disk.... at high noon he again assumes the form
of Re. This is the first "eanead" of the gods... the first
holy trinity.
High Priestess of Nut, "Mistress of Magic"... she whose
violence of mourning can kill, her determination can resurrect,
and she who dared challenge RE himself!
He whom Isis restored to life and personification of RE who is reborn
each dawn.
Spirit of the world order and bearer of the Feather of Truth, presides
with Anubis over the weighing of souls into the other world.
Baboon god who is the ruler of human-kind, Lord of the Techno-apes.
Xok- who brings the "Breath of Life" ritual to life from
the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Lionheaded Goddess, she who is the scorching power of the Sun, defender
of the Divine Order and the daughter of RE.
god of the Shaman winds, - the primal sound and light caused by
the "supreme being" pronouncing his name to create the
universe. He who bears the sacred word symbolized by the Druid symbol
of "AWEN"- the three bars of light.
{Also the first seal on the Tree of Life in the GRAND RITUAL OF
Hent-Taui - Musician priestess of Amon-Re,
Time traveler who is the keeper of the numbers and marker of the
may be inclined to dress as Gods n Goddesses or act as High Priest/Priestess
of a sect, Costume: Gold with Black, White, Blue and cloak of dark
black or Blue (a sheet will do.. we'll add the stars!)

Up Party
& Schedule
SUNDAY Sept. 5
Showtime: 6:30, just before sunset
Location: in the shadow to the Temple of the Stars
Also help create your costume and serve minimum one hour as a temple
slave.... show us your devotion!
Aug 31st-- SPIRAL EYE SOCIAL 5pm - 7pm.
Annie wants to have a Cast and Crew meet and greet party to kick
off the show and get any last minute interested parties a chance
to show. (check with her if you want more details.)
Hallatt invites all Opera Camp alums and others interested in events
associated with this year’s sculpture, The Spiral Eye of the
Celestial Falcon, in particular the Sunday night performance directed
by Elonifer Skyhawk.
Sept. 1st -- thru---- Sunday Sept. 5th:
11:30 - 12:30 noon.
Burning Man Opera voice and music, and drum rehearsal. All musical
talents welcome! Come and share in the rhythm of life. Learn the
basis of the epic 13 part cannon composed for "The Eye of Heaven",
this years performance.
Sept. 1st -thru -Sunday Sept 5th: 5pm - 7pm.
Initiation and rehearsal for Burning Man Opera performance:
Come be a star or help with the show!
Experience this grand Ritual of Awakening!
Sept. 5th
to 5pm
A final procession of Gods, Goddesses and Angels of the Playa. At
4 all hosts of the Celestial Heaven are invited to gather, as your
finest, highest selves, at Opera Camp near the Spiral Eye of the
Celestial Falcon. At 5 we process to the Temple of the Stars, where
at 6:30 the cast will perform the Eye of Heaven Grand Epic Ritual.
Performance @6:30.
by Elonifer Skyhawk.
The scene is the playa... about a half hour before sunset. On the
open playa with the mountains in the distance, the Celestial Falcon
soars overhead. The great Falcon of the gods, that mythical diety
of Egyptian mythology, .....he whose left eye is the moon and right
eye is the sun. Together, Isis the moon goddess and RA the sun god,
preside over their daily ceremony of the dying of the light, and
so too
symbolically the passing of the dead and all those we have known.
All are gathered to witness the appearance of the great galactic
mother, the vastness of the Goddess Nut, whose body is the cosmos,
the temple of stars, and into whose dark womb RA sails unto death
each night, only to be born anew each dawn. The legend of the
re-birth of Osiris has been a symbol of hope that there is life
after death. The journey of the Celestial Falcon has been a stalwart
of re-assurance that tomorrow will come....but only "unto the
end of time..."
Before the sun sets, through ritual song and dance, we shall re-enact
the history of the world, in 20 minutes, according to the goddess
(ok so its abbreviated.) At sunset, we will then observe the "moment
of silence" (which all creatures seem to observe but humans!)
that will serve as the beginning of a rehearsal for the awakening
of our collective conscious mind... the gia-mind....who is our true
global identity and extends beyond the end of time.
A Shaman of the mythical Maya, who wears the headdress of the Celestial
Falcon, is the narrator in this first episode in a series of 8 operas
culminating in the year 2012, the "end of time " as we
know it......
Singers, drummers and musicians are on a stage and chanting the
first part of an inspired ritual 13 part canonical 'tirza': "The
Heartbeat of Gia" -by elonifer skyhawk
This single arrangement is performed in harmony with the performance.
As the time before sunset approaches, silver belled and jeweled
playa nymphs scatter through the audience with smiles and incense
to bless the people and sanctify the space. 5 crones cast the 5
circles. At a signal, the elements file in around the greater circle.
5 sets of the 4
elements each take their respective positions around the banner
of their Element
moon ritual is performed as Isis invokes the guardians of the four
directions. As each direction is called, her respective nymphs are
drawn to her in eager attendance.
all four directions are summoned, Elements and Elementals all dance
in joyous celebration! [Act
Enter Techno-monkeys. They dominate the earth, her elements, and
attempt to enslave
them all (sound familiar?)
and nymphs attempt to protect the "Mother with child"
as Techno-monkeys become more bold. Nature's nymphs unleash fire
and brimstone to hold back the apes. From within each of the five
circles beneath the cloak of the mother-to-be, arise...
Maidens: 5 sword dancer/belly dancers who seduce the apes with their
seductive dance as the nymphs disarm them and remove all remnants
of their techno-civilization. They return to 5 simultaneous spiral
dances of joyous celebration, then join together and encourage audience
to participate in great spiral dance.
The great spiral horn sounds as the sun begins its journey into
night. All stand silent.
Mayan High Priest holds the silence while First Seal of the Vault
of Heaven is presented by dancers, as well as held aloft by High
Priest Fire is formed/danced in the ancient Druid symbol.
The "Awen": The three bars of light and single spark,
that represent the primal sound and light caused by the "supreme
being" pronouncing his name to create the universe.This is
to be the first seal to be placed upon the ancient "Tree of
Life" - the Kabbalah.
closes with vision beyond the end of time. Tuvan throat singing
then Digeridoo break the silence. Chant of "Be Here Now"
begins as we allow collective conscious mind to be present. The
Spiral Eye is used interactively to 'view the stars' (and burn maybe?)
Spiral dance of all performers and audience, then dancers parade
across 'stage' for curtain call... Fire dancers celebration....
then we all trail off and slowly VANISH into the crowd....
END] |