Dance and Song
to the vision of the ritual culture of the Omphalos will be
the concept of reuniting sacred sound with sacred movement,
in the model of the ancient devotional practice embodied in
the Greek chorus (choreia.) Unlike a modern secular vocal
"chorus," the choreia of ancient Greece performed devotional
song and accompanying round dances that were central to Greek
ritual theater and ceremony.
word choriea and related term koklos--wheel--are
both etymologically related to the Sanskrit chakra, meaning
"wheel", "spinning wheel", or "ring." Embedded in these words
and related terms in modern languages across Europe are ideas
of group singing, of circular movement, of turning, circling
and cycling. From these roots sprang the carole round dance
of the Western Middle Ages, the carol or devotional song,
and the kolo and hora round dances of Eastern Europe.

playa rituals: circling the panels, 8/14/03. Lulu, Robert,
Michelle, Sadie, Annie, Arjuna, Marguerite, and Picasso the
rituals meeting. Acolytes Dragonfly, Emily and Raina prepare
participants to enter the sacred space...
Healing Arts, courtesy Oshana |